On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 1:49 AM, Troy A. Griffitts <scr...@crosswire.org>wrote:

> On 11/05/2010 02:00 PM, DM Smith wrote:
> > IIRC: Troy said these were there to satisfy a publisher's request that
> > some info from a module's conf be shown for modules installed this way.
> > It only ever worked in BibleCS. Is that still a valid concern?
> Well, almost.
> There is a feature in the engine where you can specify in your module
> repository:
> [Globals]
> AutoInstall=newmods
> where newmods is a folder which lives at the same place as mods.d/ and
> modules/
> on loading of a module repository, SWMgr does a scan of this folder for
> .conf files and will copy them to the mods.d folder, but first will call
> a hook method SWMgr::AddModToConfig which allows a fontend to display a
> nice dialog box:
> "Hey, you've installed a new module!  Here's the About information..."
> or whatever.
> This mechanism was, as DM mentions, added at the request of a publisher
> when BibleCS was the only frontend available.  Permission to use their
> module was predicated on us showing their about information upon
> installation of their module.
> I'd definitely like to remove the Win32 specific InstallShield module
> install packages.
> BibleCS InstallMgr is undergoing some "play nice with other frontends"
> updates right now looking toward an eminent update of BibleCS compiled
> against 1.6.2 and with av11n support.  I suggest after this release we
> remove the windows installer files.
> Do we have any feedback on the MacOSX installer files?

This was discussed extensively over a year ago.  See
http://www.mail-archive.com/sword-devel@crosswire.org/msg18634.html for
Manfred's response to that thread.  The relevant quotations would be:
"Mac OS X zip file is still supported and we will keep support.

Actually it only is a zipped folder that has a ".swd" extension which is
registered for MacSword in the OS and is shown as a file in the OS file
manager. This makes it possible that you can have MacSword openened
automatically when the file is opened. But we also support just placing the
unzipped raw folder in the Mac OS X default module location path."

Given that response, I'm not sure there is enough advantage in providing two
separate options (if the Window zip goes) just to have a separate file
extension for Mac (though in some ways I think having a separate file
extension would be nice, so that people treat it as a distinct entity rather
than just a zip file that gets confused with the hundreds of other zip files
that they have in their Download directory - or at least that I do).

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