On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 6:32 PM, David (Mailing List Addy)
<davidsli...@gmx.net> wrote:
> On Friday, May 27, 2011 11:29:47 AM Greg Hellings wrote:
>> Of course, that provides no help to those modules who might use
> other
>> markers (NIV-inspired half brackets, full brackets, I've seen texts that
> use
>> an asterisk to mark such words, etc) for added text. In a browser
> these
>> might be handled with a snippet of JavaScript, but support for JS is
> even
>> more widely varied among SWORD applications than is CSS support (I
> can't
>> imagine that JSword can support JS at all, currently Xiphos probably
> can't.
>> And of course, I choose to completely ignore non-HTML front ends as
> not
>> being worthy of consideration) and is even less desirable than CSS.
> Actually, that can be handled with CSS purely, I have worked on most if
> not all of the Bibletime CSS templates (and am working on a CSS3 one)
> and there is a :before and :after pseudo-selectors, and a content
> command you can use to add content such as brackets or whatever
> [Unicode] character you wish (for half-brackets for instance) here's a
> snippet from the CSS for putting []'s around footnote numbers. And
> this is well supported in WebKit which BT currently uses, and has used
> for a while (or the parent KHTML engine) and probably Gecko, or other
> rendering engines.

I did not realize that WebKit had picked up this particular
pseudoclass already. I knew it was coming in CSS3, but I haven't
followed its adoption closely.  Well that makes the problem
straightforward to solve for BibleTime and (soon) Xiphos if support
for module CSS was adopted.


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