I think it would be just a binarized canon header file:

string, string, string, int,
string string, string, int,
. . .

DM Smith <dmsm...@crosswire.org> писал(а) в своём письме Sat, 16 Jul 2011 18:07:21 +0400:

For JSword, I'm planning on having the v11n in external resources. If the performance is not good, then it'll be moved internally. Can we define the format of the file? That way, we won't need to change it if SWORD ever externalizes it.

In Him,

On Jul 16, 2011, at 6:33 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:

OK, to summarize where we are, for those who haven't read all the
details and would like to jump in this weekend on the conversation
(Konstantin, please correct me if I've misrepresented your position).

I) Konstantin proposed 2 possibly paths and outlined the benefits and
drawback for both, favoring #2 (path and initial summary, quoted):

this way work proper without collisions and non-coordination

v11n from module

II) I expressed concern about the "no dynamic shared v11ns" aspect of
#2, stating that it:

Bibles of differing v11ns to the same content.

and stressed the unhappy need for the extra work


so module developer can avoid defining how their Bible maps to all other
Bible modules, but instead can say:

how these 5 exceptions should be handled in relation to "Synodal."

III) Konstantin clarified/proposed a hybrid system where we still seek
to define 'canonical' (no pun intended) internal v11ns, but if an
internal v11n doesn't yet exist for a module, then the module developer
can provide a private v11n used only for his/her own module.  The
primary benefit being that  Primary benefit is that module development
can move forward before internal v11n is supported in engine.


On 15/07/11 17:50, Konstantin Maslyuk wrote:

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