I have pursued the avenue of docx -> Bible conversion in the past and,
allow me to state unequivocally, it is incredibly complex.  The sheer
number of ways to mark up the same item and material makes any sort of
attempt at such a conversion almost impossible to conceive.  I never
completed the project (my apologies to David for that), but I did get
so far as to have the base text working in SWORD. However, headings
were in the wrong places, foot notes were acknowledged but not
present, and many other things were very wrong with the results I
produced.  Not to mention that the parsing was highly dependent upon
that one text and the manner in which its editor had elected to markup
his works.  I have since come into possession of better tools which
would make some parts of the process easier, but by no means would it
be simple.

Producing a general book might have better results, but it would still
be a monumental undertaking for anyone who wanted to tackle it.  I am
up to my ears right now in other projects or I might consider it.
Also, I lack any sort of source texts which would make it worthwhile
for myself to undertake the project.


On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Benjamin Misja <alv...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The new PBB feature sounds exciting and I will definitely see if I can
> integrate some papers and additional bible translations into my Logos library.
> I would think that having a comparable feature for making SWORD modules would
> give a huge boost to both the available amount of books and community
> participation. I think SWORD should make tools like this available to the
> community at any cost. It would take making modules out of the hands of those
> who know at least regular expressions and some programming language and put it
> into the hands of anybody who would want to make a module. I know I'd be
> making a lot of them if only I could! It would make SWORD so much cooler and
> more dynamic. ;-)
> Just my humble opinion,
> Ben
> Am Sonntag, 14. August 2011, 23:28:39 schrieb Jonathan Morgan:
>> I don't usually comment on competing products, but I thought the new
>> (long-expected) Logos Personal Book Builder was worth commenting on.  You
>> can find a post about it at
>> http://blog.logos.com/2011/08/personal-book-builder-the-inside-scoop/.  The
>> main difference from most software is the fact that books are built by
>> importing a docx file rather than entering any text into an editor, which
>> hopefully means minimal work to make it happen.  The created books can then
>> just be shared as you wish, even through the main Logos servers.
>> I personally do not intend to do anything about this, but I thought it worth
>> mentioning to see what others thought of the idea.  Certainly difficulties
>> converting the text into a usable form seem to crop up quite a bit for
>> SWORD, and we have no knowledge of how many people just give up without
>> asking (I know there is a project to work with OpenOffice to create
>> Genbooks, but I have never used it and so do not know how capable and how
>> automatic it is).
>> Thoughts?
>> Jon
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