Hi Aaron,

On 9/4/2011 10:50 AM, Aaron Christianson wrote:
On 09/04/2011 02:11 PM, sword-devel-requ...@crosswire.org wrote:

Message: 2
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 19:33:19 -0400
From: David Troidl<davidtro...@aol.com>
To: "SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum"
Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Open Hebrew Lexicon.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"

Hi Aaron,

This sounds a lot like what I'm trying to do with my Hebrew Lexicon:

Here's an example of the way I'm breaking down the information:

H1254a. ??????? b?r??, baw-raw'; [heb; v] a primitive root; ???
(absolutely) to create; (qualified) to cut down (a wood), select, feed
(as formative processes):---choose, create (creator), cut down,
dispatch, do, make (fat).

BDB:  + I ??????? shape, create
Qal Pf.---shape, fashion, create
Niph.---/Pass/. 1. be created 2. with reference to birth 3. of something
new, astonishing
Pi. 1. cut down 2. cut out

TWOT: 278, Page 135, Status: base.

At the top is the basic Strong data.  After the BDB is the information
from BDB, which is all I really have available.  There is room for other
elements, and you could add data to what is already there.  The schema
is contained in the download package, and should be easily transformed
into whatever format is necessary for a SWORD module.

I hope this will give you a better starting point than just the Strong's



Thanks David! This looks very much like what I want to do for the first stage of what I'm thinking about. Is it alright if I email you directly for further information?
Yes, certainly.


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 21:46:07 -0500
From: Daniel Owens<dhow...@pmbx.net>
To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum<sword-devel@crosswire.org>
Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Open Hebrew Lexicon.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Another project that sounds like what you are interested in doing is at
http://www.textonline.org/hebrewaramaiclexicon. The project is fairly
dormant right now, but in a year or so I hope to pick it up again and
run with it. We are working from the lemma isolated by the Groves Center
for the Westminster Hebrew Morphology, so when that SWORD module comes
out it will mesh well with it. But we did start with Strongs as a
beginning point for definitions.

This does sound very much like what I am interested in doing, but unfortunately, you seem to be using WeSay, which appears to have some deficiencies in it's Linux versions that will make it unusable for editing a work of this kind (no support for non-latin scripts, and issues copying and pasting non-ascii characters). I'm afraid that I use Linux exclusively, and my ability to contribute to this project would be severely limited.
I was going to write to Daniel privately, but maybe this is a topic that needs to be brought up here. My concern is the proliferation of formats, trying to accomplish the same thing. With Daniel's LIFT dictionary, the SWORD TEI-based lexicon format, whatever you would use and my ad hoc schema, all with similar goals, there could be a lot of duplication of effort.

I made my schema just to get into the work, and with the intention of making it easy to transform to another format, when there was something better. I know that the TEI could handle all the requirements, but it's huge and forbidding. The SWORD format examples I've seen appear dense and hard to understand. I'm not certain if it has all the capabilities my lexicon needs. I was going to ask Daniel if his LIFT dictionary could handle it all, and what would be required to transform between the two. Also if his setup could import transformed entries. Now if WeSay is a problem with Linux, is that insurmountable? Could the LIFT dictionary be used in another context? Or what other format would be better?




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