On 9/4/2011 10:48 PM, Daniel Owens wrote:

On formats: SWORD's implementation of TEI for a lexicon is probably not the best format. At least I have not considered it to be a good format for creating a lexicon. I chose LIFT XML because it is a format that several SIL programs use (WeSay and FieldWorks). It is designed for lexica, so I imagine it can handle anything we need. WeSay allows you to create custom fields, which makes it easy to work with. LIFT is just an XML standard, so there is nothing to prevent one from creating an application to write to a LIFT XML file.
FieldWorks says: The Linux version is still considered to be beta quality. I'm not a Linux person, so I have no way of checking this.

On applications: I have been ruminating on the problem of WeSay being Windows-only and wondering if a browser-based solution written in PHP or something like that would be a "quick" solution for Mac and Linux users. The PHP code and LIFT file could reside on the contributor's machine with Mercurial negotiating the differences with the server. That would mean the PHP program would have to be written to work well with WeSay, which could be a job in itself. I just don't have the time or expertise to pull it off. But if someone could do that, it would open up possibilities for contributors.
The main requirement, as I see it, is that we have 'interoperability', in other words, that whatever form each one of us is using can be transformed and merged with the others. A common format and a common interface would be fine, if it fit into each person's workflow. Although this isn't necessarily a requirement.

If WeSay uses version control, through TortoiseHg or Mercurial, shouldn't it be possible to interact directly with the LIFT dictionary, the same way WeSay does?

Our project is moving so slowly that I am open to changing the way we do it. Data format questions aside, the following features are needed for an interface for developing a Hebrew lexicon:

   * Support RtoL Unicode
This would be easy to accomplish.
   * Easy to use for non-techies (virtually brainless, if possible)
Here's where the interface would have to be polished. My (private) PHP application is a bit demanding.
   * Changes stored using a version control system allowing for
Would the changes be stored immediately, by just anybody, or would there be a checking system?

   * Support features that are commonly accepted as good linguistic
     practice, such as semantic domains
I'm not sure what you mean by semantic domains. I looked it up on Wikipedia, but that didn't clear it up.
   * Customizable for our needs
I should probably put together something on the needs of my schema, and the extensions I'm planning. That might make discussion easier.



So far WeSay works the best for that, but it is limited to Windows. I am open to new ideas.


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