The user has suggested another possible OCR error.  The error report makes
sense but the Sword Strongs module appears to contain the same as other
Strongs I have checked on the internet.  Here is the users's report:

3532 Nikolaos nik-ol'-ah-os from 3534 and *2994*; victorious over the
people; Nicolaus, a heretic:--Nicolaus. see GREEK for 3534 see GREEK for

*The reference "2994" should read "2992"* (see below)

2994 Laodikeus lah-od-ik-yooce' from 2993; a Laodicean, i.e. inhabitant
of Laodicia:--Laodicean. see GREEK for 2993

2992 laos lah-os' apparently a primary word; a people (in general; thus
differing from 1218, which denotes one's own populace):--people. see GREEK
for 1218


On 6 September 2011 09:41, Martin Denham <> wrote:

> Thanks Karl,
> I believe the user was using StrongsGreek from the default repo rather than
> StrongsRealGreek from the Xiphos repo so I will also raise a bug report for
> the StrongsGreek module.
> Martin
> On 5 September 2011 13:41, Karl Kleinpaste <> wrote:
>> FYI, StrongsRealGreek in the Xiphos repo has been updated, version
>> 1.4-110905, to reflect this fix (3156, ref 3164 => 3161) as well as a
>> similar, previously reported glitch in 5043 (ref 5098 => 5088).
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