On 9/17/11 5:55 AM, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
Martin Denham<mjden...@gmail.com>  writes:
The user has suggested another possible OCR error.  The error report makes
sense but the Sword Strongs module appears to contain the same as other
Strongs I have checked on the internet.  Here is the users's report:

3532 Nikolaos nik-ol'-ah-os from 3534 and *2994*; victorious over the
people; Nicolaus, a heretic:--Nicolaus. see GREEK for 3534 see GREEK for

*The reference 2994 should read 2992*

OK, here's a fun conflict for us all.

My print Strong's actually shows that 3532 refs 3534 and 2994.  So that
module, as well as my StrongsRealGreek, are true to print Strong's.

On the other hand, NAS Greek Lexicon shows refs 3534 and 2992.

I have to suggest that real Strong's has an actual misprint error, and
that NAS has corrected this.  2992 seems clearly correct here.

What should be done with this?  Remain true to what originally appeared
in Strong's or correct it per NAS?  Perhaps correct it with a notation
of the original error?

I just checked two print editions of Strong's, from different dates & publishers. Both have the correct 2992, so I think it's safe to correct. It's at least reasonable to assume your print edition is from the same publisher as these texts' print source, though.

I hardly know what to do with the difference in definitional commentary.

     "Nicolaus, a heretic"
     "Nicolaus, a Christian, probably not connected with the sect
     bearing the same name"

Seems reasonable to me. Being a heretic presupposes being a Christian. The only difference is that the NAS Lexicon takes the position that this Nicolaus was not connected with the Nicolaitans, whereas Strong takes the position that he was.


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