From the sound of it, there was some problem with an older version of the .conf with the newer module files. I'm not sure whether that was somehow my fault (due to the way the files get noticed/announced/packaged by the server) or if it indicates a bug in an install manager that is allowing older .confs to stay installed after they were suppose to be updated.

Feedback from Latvian users would be great, but this should be identical to the module that appeared in the beta repository, so if that was satisfactory, this should be too.


On 11/1/2011 12:51 PM, Martin Denham wrote:
Thanks for the input everybody however for some reason the Latvian NT
now seems to have started displaying correctly on And Bible but I don't
know why.

I tried various things this evening i) manually installing directly from
sword/raw instead of rawzip but the display was still incorrect ii)
specifying specific Latvian fonts and the display was still wrong iii)
at some point I restarted and the display improved iv) removed the
Latvian fonts and restarted and then the display was perfect.

I will ask a Latvian user to take a look.

Thanks also to whoever did all the fixes to the Latvian NT.


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