
A Latvian contact (Martins) has been using the updated module and he is
very pleased - everything looks good.


On 2 November 2011 08:31, Chris Little <chris...@crosswire.org> wrote:

> From the sound of it, there was some problem with an older version of the
> .conf with the newer module files. I'm not sure whether that was somehow my
> fault (due to the way the files get noticed/announced/packaged by the
> server) or if it indicates a bug in an install manager that is allowing
> older .confs to stay installed after they were suppose to be updated.
> Feedback from Latvian users would be great, but this should be identical
> to the module that appeared in the beta repository, so if that was
> satisfactory, this should be too.
> --Chris
> On 11/1/2011 12:51 PM, Martin Denham wrote:
>> Thanks for the input everybody however for some reason the Latvian NT
>> now seems to have started displaying correctly on And Bible but I don't
>> know why.
>> I tried various things this evening i) manually installing directly from
>> sword/raw instead of rawzip but the display was still incorrect ii)
>> specifying specific Latvian fonts and the display was still wrong iii)
>> at some point I restarted and the display improved iv) removed the
>> Latvian fonts and restarted and then the display was perfect.
>> I will ask a Latvian user to take a look.
>> Thanks also to whoever did all the fixes to the Latvian NT.
>> Thanks
>> Martin
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