Hi Troy,

I had a little time to get to some testing.

The Install Manager hung when I was installing two books: Nestle & TNT, from the av11n repo. I tried it again just for TNT, and it worked fine. (I still don't understand why Nestle shows up in Arabic characters. I've deleted that module.)

I created the portable installation. I'll put it on my flash drive, and test it at work. One suggestion: offer the option to create the portable app in a separate directory, so it doesn't mess up the local Sword installation.

I'm not sure about the other modules I have installed, but my own NT module, which is NRSV, appears properly in the SWORD Project, and doesn't in BPBible. So the av11n seems to be working.

One issue I've seen. I changed the default font to a larger size, which makes the select boxes for the book and the one underneath it display with the larger font, and it doesn't fit in the box. The chapter and verse are still in the original size. I just set the default font back to 10 pt. This improves the dropdown boxes. Then I upped the size on one module. This has the desired effect, but would be tedious to do for all the modules. Could you at least group them by language, so I could choose a font for English texts, Greek texts and Hebrew texts separately? (Arial may be fine for a UI, but not for reading Bibles.)

I just tried out the parallel view. I selected SBLGNT, Tisch, Byz as the three Bibles. Only SBLGNT shows any text. The other two just have the name, as Tisch:, and nothing else.

In changing options, turning on and off the Strong numbers and Morphological tags, the Bible changed to KJV at Genesis 1:1, of its own accord. I ran through some more options. It's when I turn Strong numbers on that the change happens. Any other change in options seems to be fine.

Let me know if you need anything else.



On 2/21/2012 8:28 PM, scribe...@gmail.com wrote:
Hey David and Jerry. Thanks for the feedback. Well, I remember having trouble 
with installmanager pausing mid-download or something.

You could try alternate versification modules. Not sure the current state of 
our repositories these days. I haven't kept up with where the av11n stuff lives 
or if that place is in our auto-discovery registry for installmanager to find 
without adding the location manually.

The other new feature in installmanager is the option to migrate your locally 
installed modules to a global path on your computer where other sword apps can 
see them. And to create a local copy again if you want a portable app.

It would be nice to get some feedback on those.

Thanks guys for testing. I really appreciate it.

jhphx<jh...@cox.net>  wrote:

On 2/21/2012 7:50 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
....  Well, I've posted a few release candidates at the usual place
and asked for feedback but hadn't gotten any. ...
I did of copy over of the files from the ZIPs to an old installation on

Win7. After doing a quick try of some menu options things seem to be
fine. Not really a big shake down but no bugs here to report.


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