An issue came up today that reminding me that we haven't officially finished our support for 'preverse divs'.

You can search the archives, but a brief summary:

Material associated with a verse, but that should be displayed before the verse marker, used to be called "preverse title" or "preverse heading". We agreed a while back to generalize this concept to simply be called a 'preverse div'. Other things besides a single title might be show before a verse.

---- end of brief summary

So, we have basic support in the engine for this. At one point osis2mod started generating this new format, it was deemed not yet completely supported in the engine, and reverted back, and now I'm not sure what state osis2mod is in regarding this.

The situation which came up today gives a perfect scenario to fix the problem and put the wraps on this one. We have 2 modules

CrossWire - KJV 2.3
CrossWire Beta - KJV 2.4

Stable 2.3 uses the old scheme
Beta 2.4 uses the new scheme

If you run sword/examples/lookup on both modules to dump the EntryAttributes of a verse with preverse material, say Psalm 3:1, you'll see all the differences (old first, then new):

toggle between the two tabs in your browser and see the changes.

So, it looks like we're mostly working. The 'preverse div' is now showing up in the Heading/Preverse/0 slot, just like the title used to. Great.

BUT, it seems, in a normal frontend experience, that when this is passed to RenderText, something is not quite right. Maybe the <title> tag and it's content is getting stripped because it is thought to already be in the headings section and we're trying to not render it twice? Just a guess.


But it would be interesting to:

// force parse to generate entry attributes

SWBuf preverseMaterial = module.getEntryAttributes()["Heading"]["Preverse"]["0"];

cout << preverseMaterial << endl;

cout << module.RenderText(preverseMaterial) << endl;

and see what you get.

Anyone have time to track this one down?


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