On 03/04/12 17:58, Matěj Cepl wrote:
I am not a Windows user, so just a question ... what's better Xiphos or Bibletime for Windows? (maybe we should list both as to avoid a civil war, if it is point of contest)

Both look virtually the same under Windows as under your favourite Linux. Neither is 'better', it's purely a matter of which one fits the way the user works. Xiphos fits my work style very well, but until Xiphos has full av11n support (quite soon now), I am mainly using Bibletime. I wouldn't say either is better, just different. BibleDesktop is another good alternative ... I'd really like to see the web-page encourage the would-be user to try them all and settle for the one that suits them. Maybe we could list the main features of each. I seem to remember a wiki some years ago that attempted to do just that. It will be well out of date by now.

Features like the ability to set up several free-floating windows with different text in each, is a feature I have used a lot. It only exists in Xiphos. When preparing a sermon, it is neat to be able to have each of the readings for the day in places where I can move them about .... Others with different uses will really want some of the main features of one of the other programs ... it's horses for courses really.

We could also stress the fact that you only need one collection of modules for all the installed front-ends.

God bless,        Barry.

From Barry Drake (The Revd) Health and Healing advisor to the East
Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church.  See
http://www.urc5.org.uk/index for information about the synod, and
http://www.urc5.org.uk/?q=node/703 for the Synod Healing pages.

Replies - b.dr...@ntlworld.com

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