To second what Greg said and to defend the last person who attempted to meet all audiences with our website (not me), if you hit:

Click Software
Click Windows

You get a list software for Windows.

We can't necessarily have a "Download Now" button as most projects have chosen not to host their development work on CrossWire's server and I won't believe they would (nor blame them for not doing so) keep updated Windows and Mac packages in some central CrossWire download facility. We've had hard enough time getting news reports from everyone. Other OSs don't use a 'download now' from a website concept, but get their software from a package manager (Android, iOS, Redhat, Ubuntu, etc.)

I'm not amiss to giving other Windows frontends more prominence, but it's hard to decide how: BPBible, Bible Desktop, Bibletime, Xiphos, XulSWORD (listed ASCIIbetically) all run fine on Windows and complaining that everyone only downloads BibleCS because it is listed first would translate to a valid complaint for any 2-n listed project.

I too am generally frustrated with both our wiki and our main website. The wiki has so much misinformation and bad examples and is anything but concise, and the main website is generally unattractive and doesn't have the latest bits of useful information which are on the wiki.

I'm not blaming anyone, as Greg has said, no one wants this. I very seldom take the time to read the wiki with the intent to fix things. I end up finding them when I intend to refer someone to the wiki and read the information I'm about to link to. Some who edit the wiki don't have the history or expertise. Many who have the history or expertise don't have time to edit the wiki. It's a vicious circle. Everyone has good intentions.

I'm open for suggestions, but every couple years we go through this iteration of a wave of frustration about our websites and someone steps up and revamps some things, and no one is happy and we move on for another couple years.


On 04/03/2012 07:22 PM, Barry Drake wrote:
On 03/04/12 17:58, Matěj Cepl wrote:
I am not a Windows user, so just a question ... what's better Xiphos
or Bibletime for Windows? (maybe we should list both as to avoid a
civil war, if it is point of contest)

Both look virtually the same under Windows as under your favourite
Linux. Neither is 'better', it's purely a matter of which one fits the
way the user works. Xiphos fits my work style very well, but until
Xiphos has full av11n support (quite soon now), I am mainly using
Bibletime. I wouldn't say either is better, just different. BibleDesktop
is another good alternative ... I'd really like to see the web-page
encourage the would-be user to try them all and settle for the one that
suits them. Maybe we could list the main features of each. I seem to
remember a wiki some years ago that attempted to do just that. It will
be well out of date by now.

Features like the ability to set up several free-floating windows with
different text in each, is a feature I have used a lot. It only exists
in Xiphos. When preparing a sermon, it is neat to be able to have each
of the readings for the day in places where I can move them about ....
Others with different uses will really want some of the main features of
one of the other programs ... it's horses for courses really.

We could also stress the fact that you only need one collection of
modules for all the installed front-ends.

God bless, Barry.

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