On 07/20/2012 12:48 PM, Andrew Thule wrote:
However, this idea of in line notes was from the OSIS Manual which
says "It is customary to include the notes directly within the text,
at the point to which they apply", so I was trying not to fight the
standard in my understanding - go with the flow type of deal.  I don't
think module developers should influence note placement, even if I
think they should be able to influence presentation of 'note markers'
such as superscripts.

I see. What the OSIS manual is referring to is encoding the notes inline. So you put the whole note within the XML document at the location where it logically occurs (or where you want the footnote marker to be).

Where it is rendered is determined by the application. In theory, we could obey the placement attribute, which has values like 'inline', 'foot', and 'right', to determine where to place the footnote text itself in the rendered document. But, personally, I see those as pertaining primarily to printed works, so I'm quite satisfied to leave placement decisions to the application author. As an end-user, I prefer the practice of rendering note text in a separate window, as in Xiphos & PocketSword, among others.


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