Further to my last reply, I think we can safely assume that we are more
likely to process *Chinese* text 
than any of the scripts that require characters from the *Supplementary
Multilingual Plane*.

Range   Block   Code Points
10000..1007F    Linear B Syllabary      128
10080..100FF    Linear B Ideograms      128
10100..1013F    Aegean Numbers  64
10140..1018F    Ancient Greek Numbers   80
10190..101CF    Ancient Symbols 64
101D0..101FF    Phaistos Disc   48
10200..1027F    <reserved>      128
10280..1029F    Lycian  32
102A0..102DF    Carian  64
102E0..102FF    <reserved>      32
10300..1032F    Old Italic      48
10330..1034F    Gothic  32
10350..1037F    <reserved>      48
10380..1039F    Ugaritic        32
103A0..103DF    Old Persian     64
103E0..103FF    <reserved>      32
10400..1044F    Deseret 80
10450..1047F    Shavian 48
10480..104AF    Osmanya 48
104B0..107FF    <reserved>      848
10800..1083F    Cypriot Syllabary       64
10840..1085F    Imperial Aramaic        32
10860..108FF    <reserved>      160
10900..1091F    Phoenician      32
10920..1093F    Lydian  32
10940..1097F    <reserved>      64
10980..1099F    Meroitic Hieroglyphs    32
109A0..109FF    Meroitic Cursive        96
10A00..10A5F    Kharoshthi      96
10A60..10A7F    Old South Arabian       32
10A80..10AFF    <reserved>      128
10B00..10B3F    Avestan 64
10B40..10B5F    Inscriptional Parthian  32
10B60..10B7F    Inscriptional Pahlavi   32
10B80..10BFF    <reserved>      128
10C00..10C4F    Old Turkic      80
10C50..10E5F    <reserved>      528
10E60..10E7F    Rumi Numeral Symbols    32
10E80..10FFF    <reserved>      384
11000..1107F    Brahmi  128
11080..110CF    Kaithi  80
110D0..110FF    Sora Sompeng    48
11100..1114F    Chakma  80
11150..1117F    <reserved>      48
11180..111DF    Sharada 96
111E0..1167F    <reserved>      1,184
11680..116CF    Takri   80
116D0..11FFF    <reserved>      2,352
12000..123FF    Cuneiform       1,024
12400..1247F    Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation       128
12480..12FFF    <reserved>      2,944
13000..1342F    Egyptian Hieroglyphs    1,072
13430..167FF    <reserved>      13,264
16800..16A3F    Bamum Supplement        576
16A40..16EFF    <reserved>      1,216
16F00..16F9F    Miao    160
16FA0..1AFFF    <reserved>      16,480
1B000..1B0FF    Kana Supplement 256
1B100..1CFFF    <reserved>      7,936
1D000..1D0FF    Byzantine Musical Symbols       256
1D100..1D1FF    Musical Symbols 256
1D200..1D24F    Ancient Greek Musical Notation  80
1D250..1D2FF    <reserved>      176
1D300..1D35F    Tai Xuan Jing Symbols   96
1D360..1D37F    Counting Rod Numerals   32
1D380..1D3FF    <reserved>      128
1D400..1D7FF    Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols       1,024
1D800..1EDFF    <reserved>      5,632
1EE00..1EEFF    Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols  256
1EF00..1EFFF    <reserved>      256
1F000..1F02F    Mahjong Tiles   48
1F030..1F09F    Domino Tiles    112
1F0A0..1F0FF    Playing Cards   96
1F100..1F1FF    Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement        256
1F200..1F2FF    Enclosed Ideographic Supplement 256
1F300..1F5FF    Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs   768
1F600..1F64F    Emoticons       80
1F650..1F67F    <reserved>      48
1F680..1F6FF    Transport And Map Symbols       128
1F700..1F77F    Alchemical Symbols      128
1F780..1FFFF    <reserved>      2,176


PS. Notwithstanding the fact that one of you has some expertise in Gothic.

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