On 8/6/2012 12:01 AM, David Haslam wrote:
Further to my last reply, I think we can safely assume that we are more
likely to process *Chinese* text
than any of the scripts that require characters from the *Supplementary
Multilingual Plane*.

Range   Block   Code Points
10000..1007F    Linear B Syllabary      128
10080..100FF    Linear B Ideograms      128

Some fancy Greek dictionaries could certainly include Linear B.

10300..1032F    Old Italic      48

No biblical material here, but fancy Latin dictionaries could certainly include Old Italic characters. And there are some interesting and extensive texts in Oscan & Umbrian, but not necessarily worth our encoding. (My only contribution of new codepoints to Unicode thus far has been in this block.)

10380..1039F    Ugaritic        32

I could definitely see us encoding some Ugaritic texts. It's an important language for comparison of early Judaism to its local context and even for better understanding some elements of OT Hebrew.

10400..1044F    Deseret 80

Eh... Book of Mormon made less legible?

10840..1085F    Imperial Aramaic        32
10900..1091F    Phoenician      32

Hebrew dictionaries, etc.

10B00..10B3F    Avestan 64

I would totally encode the Avesta if I could find a good PD source and figure out how to un-transliterate it.

12000..123FF    Cuneiform       1,024
12400..1247F    Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation       128

There are lots of worthwhile Sumerian, Akkadian, & Hittite documents in this script. And Hebrew dictionaries could definitely incorporate Akkadian, and possibly Sumerian and Hittite.

16F00..16F9F    Miao    160

This script was actually invented for Bibles.


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