On 08/13/2012 12:10 PM, Andrew Thule wrote:
Actually this whole business raises another issue.  In the collection
of modules I've been building up, I've added Dead Sea Scrolls texts as
OSIS (but have not yet created modules for them, pending working
though versification issues).

For biblical scrolls, versification isn't so much an issue, since they
can match which every versification system the module creator selects.
  For some non-biblical scrolls (such as 11QPs) since they do show up
in other versification traditions such as the Septuagint, they too can
be incorporated.   But many of the DJD translations/transliterations
are non-biblical scrolls, or fall out of typical versification
systems, though do naturally suggest one based upon where they were
found.  (i.e all 4Q... scrolls were found in Cave 4 at Qumran, all
11Q.. scrolls were found in Cave 11 etc).

What is the recommended approach for all other materials in terms of
turning them into modules?  (I guess I'm saying - I half expected
working through the versification system for the LXX and the LXXE
would have put me in a better position to create a versification
system for the DSS, but now I'm not sure which way I should go (in
terms of making a DJD module (Discoveries from the Judea Desert)?

Here's what I would recommend....

If you want to make a Bible module from the biblical material, I would try to fit the text to a supported versification. I would guess MT is the closest fit, but that's just a guess.

But for the sectarian and pseudepigraphal texts, the natural solution is to make a GenBook module. If you're inclined to make one big module with both biblical & non-biblical material, you can place verse reference markers within biblical texts to identify their correspondence to canonical texts. Actually, I would recommend doing the same for the pseudepigraphal material as well, to the extent you are able.


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