
You mentioned a few days ago that you graciously change Xiphos to use the XHTML filter set-- thank you. One the few tags to actually move to XHTML is for Jesus' words. Have you assigned a style to thiis class ".wordsOfJesus".

When adding the XHTML filter set, we created a new interface method: SWModule::getRenderHeader(). This will give you a reference CSS chunk for the RenderText() output. You'll notice it output from sword/examples/cmdline/lookup now, so if you do, for example:

./lookup ESV Mat.6.1

You'll see the example CSS which you could use to render the verse.

This XHTML filter set thing is all kindof new, so feeback is certainly welcome. My thought was that you could include what you get from module->getRenderFilter(), and then after that, place your own styles (I think CSS rules mandate that later styles override earlier styles). That way, if anything new is added i the filter, you'll get some default behavior until you decide to customize it with your own style.

What do you think?
I hope this is the problem with the red letters.


On 10/07/2012 11:10 PM, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
"Troy A. Griffitts" <scr...@crosswire.org> writes:
Can people please try it out and let me know how things work for you?
Whatever you did has fixed this problem of note interpolation into text...

...as well as the difficulty seen in this:
diatheke -b ESV -o fmhncvalsbx -k 'mark 16:9'

However, it has not solved the red letters problem:
and in fact it appears that red letters are now completely AWOL -- I
can't get any red words anywhere.  As seen in Xiphos, there appears to
be some subtle whitespace difference at the beginning of each verse,
between enabling and disabling red letters.

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