Much of what we publish is copyrighted. We obtain detailed clear permission 
before anything goes on a public server. For the avoidance of doubt I describe 
the usual process of updating such modules. 

There is usually a core group member who has negotiated the exact, often highly 
variable terms under which we can distribute. There is usually also a direct 
link to a named person on the publisher's side. Occ we have permission to 
republish and update without new interaction, usually though not. In non 
English texts particularly, but others too occasionally volunteers from the 
wider circle are involved in negotiations and maintenance of contact. 

As publisher relations can be very sensitive no one outside of the people 
directly involved with a particular text is encouraged to do things off their 
own back. Sometimes it becomes obvious the our link to a publisher has gone 
stale. People go, companies are sold, etc. This can make obtaining permission 
for an updated text tricky and prolonged.

Core group members know who they are and usually have a crosswire email 
address, though might be for all reasons or none subscribed to this list under 
a different one. Wider circle volunteers are encouraged to lobby for 
permissions when lobbying is considered useful. No one is encouraged to share 
copyrighted text in whatever form here on the list or in other places. 

If a copyrighted text has been updated, then the osis file should be emailed to 
Chris as per wiki, not put on the web. Chris or Troy will then check if our 
permissions are still ok and eventually update the module. 

This can all appear slow and tedious, but dealing with publishers well is 
crucial to what we want to achieve. 


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