In anticipation of a new release, I have a large checkin I'm about to commit which will break everything for everyone compiling with -Werror.

We've been normalizing method names toward a clean API interface at 2.0. SWORD started 20+ years ago when there was not standard naming conventions. In fact, originally we tried to keep variable names less than 8 characters, as, at the time, some compilers stopped disambiguating after this. Besides these, there are a number of conventions we used back then for which standards have now become the norm: camelCase conventions, standard set/getProperty naming, and the like. We've been slowly moving toward these changes and have been deprecating old names for a few years now. What I'm about to introduces standard names for all methods within the SWKey and SWModule classes and deprecates the non standard names.

A few not obvious changes:

Headings() has been renamed to setIntros(bool) and bool isIntros()
Headings() -- used to turn on chapter, book, testament, and module introductions, has frequently been a point of confusion with the global option "Headings" -- used to turn on and off section headings in the text. This new property name will hopefully remove that confusion.

Error() has become popError(), as the functionality has always been to return and clear any error code for the object.

The bindings are probably in a state of disarray now. I've updated the omniorb bindings. I'd appreciated any help with other stuff.

I hope this doesn't cause too much of a headache for everyone. I hope these naming standards raise coherence to the look of our API for newcomers.

Hope you are all at the start of a blessed new year,


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