On 4/12/2013 12:12 PM, DM Smith wrote:
Regarding paragraph formats, the <p> element does not define any.
There is no notion of "justified", "indented", "line-spacing",
"centering", .... that most word processors provide. These have to
use the type/subType attribute extension. And as you noted, SWORD
does not support these. Chris has suggested that we could allow <p
type="x-indent"> as a way of handling this. I'd go a bit further and
allow any type and subType x-yyy values on any element, to become a
class attributes (without the x- ) on the resulting html element.

This sounds like a great idea.

Some things to consider:

Should we necessarily strip the x-? I don't think keeping it harms anything, but removing it looses the information that the type is a defined OSIS type. Removing the x- also introduces the possibility of collisions (e.g. the note types 'allusion' and 'x-allusion' would be mapped to the same class value), but this might be a desirable feature.

Should types & subTypes be composed or listed? E.g., if a note has type 'variant' and subType 'MT', would the class value be:
'variant MT'
or something like
'variant|MT'. (I don't know whether | is necessarily a good character for making compound classes.)


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