And (just for the record), the mod2imp output for that verse is as follows:

$$$Song of Solomon 4:16
<title subType="x-preverse" type="section">She</title><l
sID="x11094"/>Awake, O north wind,<l eID="x11094" type="x-br"/><l
sID="x11095" type="x-indent"/>and come, O south wind!<l eID="x11095"
type="x-br"/><l sID="x11096"/>Blow upon my <note n="d"
osisID="Song.4.16!crossReference.d" osisRef="Song.4.16"
type="crossReference">[<reference osisRef="Song.5.1">ch. 5:1</reference>;
<reference osisRef="Song.6.2">6:2</reference>]</note>garden,<l eID="x11096"
type="x-br"/><l sID="x11097" type="x-indent"/>let its spices flow.<l
eID="x11097"/><lg eID="w312"/><title>Together in the Garden of
Love</title><lg sID="w313"/><l sID="x11098"/><note n="e"
osisID="Song.4.16!crossReference.e" osisRef="Song.4.16"
type="crossReference">[<reference osisRef="Song.6.2">ch.
6:2</reference>]</note>Let my beloved come to his <note n="f"
osisID="Song.4.16!crossReference.f" osisRef="Song.4.16"
type="crossReference"><reference osisRef="Song.6.2">ch.
6:2</reference></note>garden,<l eID="x11098" type="x-br"/><l sID="x11099"
type="x-indent"/>and eat its <note n="v" osisID="Song.4.16!crossReference.v"
osisRef="Song.4.16" type="crossReference">[See <reference
osisRef="Song.4.13">ver. 13</reference> above]</note>choicest fruits.<l

This illustrates that the mid-verse title is stored (in effect) as just:

<title>Together in the Garden of Love</title>

i.e. Unlike the preverse title for the same verse, which is stored as:

<title subType="x-preverse" type="section">She</title>

Were it not for the abundance of poetry markup in this passage, 
Xiphos would not have provided any line breaks in its display of the
mid-verse title.

The question arises therefore, does anyone know of an existing released
module containing a mid-verse title (properly so defined) within a PROSE
verse rather than a POETRY verse?

Finding one would not only confirm how Xiphos was designed, but would also
provide the evidence to show how OTHER front-ends handle such objects,
whether based on SWORD or JSword.



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