That the speaker tag *\sp* was subject to a workaround when the ESV was
converted to OSIS
becomes even more apparent if we look at how now handles this

Here are the relevant lines of Python code:

        # \sp_text...
        osis = re.sub(r'\\sp\s+(.+)', r'<speaker>\1</speaker>', osis)

Not a trace of the title element here!
Even Chris's methodological use of \uFDD4  for titles is absent.

Hence the speaker identification is properly given its own OSIS element, and
not a title element.

The question for SWORD 1.7 is therefore, "Does the API support the OSIS
*speaker* element?"

I don't mind if the answer is "No", as long as we plan to support this
element in SWORD 1.8

The other points raised in my earlier replies today still stand.


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