Hello everyone.

Praise God, I have version 2893 of osis2mod installed and running on my late 
2012 Retina Macbook Pro, 13”, OS X 10.9.2, 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB RAM! I 
can now generate modules right from my own Mac. 

I had been using a Sword installation on my Ubuntu 12.04 on a VM.  It wasn’t 
convenient to hop back and forth, using the soon to be discontinued Ubuntu One 
cloud storage to sync my source file on my Mac to the VM Ubuntu.

Well, I downloaded the source, and after the first run was notified I needed 
ICU. I decided to try to install ICU, despite previous apparent failures, by 
reading this blog:
http://themidnightprogrammer.blogspot.ca/2010/09/unicode-with-icu.html and he 
seemed to have done it,  it made me think, why not me? Part of his post noted 
<unicode/unistr.h> which was an error that also appeared when I first tried to 
install the Sword 1.7.2 engine  “../include/utf8transliterator.h:41:10: fatal 
error: 'unicode/unistr.h' file not found” and he solved it by installed the ICU 
library, something I had previously tried to do, but failed (for what reason, I 
can’t recall). I followed the steps at 
 and what do you know, ICU installed. I ran the sword installation again and 
voila, it installed. With some trepidation I then tried using osis2mod on my 
XML files, but it didn’t work (I was still seeing a strange paragraph number 

Then I realized that my osis2mod was still symlinked to the utilities in the 
the Eloquent app folders! So I looked to see where the new Sword utilities were 
installed and it was /us/bin/osis2mod.

So, in case anyone has previously tried to use the latest Sword engine 1.7.2 
utilities on their Mac and it didn’t install or work, give it another try. They 
are now! There must be something in the OS X 10.9.2 update which changed 
something for the better-I had previously tried installed while on 10.8.x, and 
the first 10.9 update)


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