Great stuff.

Just for your information:
Eloquent (former MacSword) comes with SWORD utilities bundled.
Just use "Install sword utilities" from the main menu under "Help".
After that the sword utils are available from command line.


> Am 05.12.2014 um 15:45 schrieb Shane Cooke <>:
> Reposting this as it seemed to not have gone live last time.
> On Apr 7, 2014, at 1:32 PM, Shane Cooke <> wrote:
>> Hello everyone.
>> Praise God, I have version 2893 of osis2mod installed and running on my late 
>> 2012 Retina Macbook Pro, 13”, OS X 10.9.2, 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB RAM! 
>> I can now generate modules right from my own Mac. 
>> I had been using a Sword installation on my Ubuntu 12.04 on a VM.  It wasn’t 
>> convenient to hop back and forth, using the soon to be discontinued Ubuntu 
>> One cloud storage to sync my source file on my Mac to the VM Ubuntu.
>> Well, I downloaded the source, and after the first run was notified I needed 
>> ICU. I decided to try to install ICU, despite previous apparent failures, by 
>> reading this blog:
>> and 
>> he seemed to have done it,  it made me think, why not me? Part of his post 
>> noted <unicode/unistr.h> which was an error that also appeared when I first 
>> tried to install the Sword 1.7.2 engine  
>> “../include/utf8transliterator.h:41:10: fatal error: 'unicode/unistr.h' file 
>> not found” and he solved it by installed the ICU library, something I had 
>> previously tried to do, but failed (for what reason, I can’t recall). I 
>> followed the steps at 
>>  and what do you know, ICU installed. I ran the sword installation again and 
>> voila, it installed. With some trepidation I then tried using osis2mod on my 
>> XML files, but it didn’t work (I was still seeing a strange paragraph number 
>> misplacement).
>> Then I realized that my osis2mod was still symlinked to the utilities in the 
>> the Eloquent app folders! So I looked to see where the new Sword utilities 
>> were installed and it was /us/bin/osis2mod.
>> So, in case anyone has previously tried to use the latest Sword engine 1.7.2 
>> utilities on their Mac and it didn’t install or work, give it another try. 
>> They are now! There must be something in the OS X 10.9.2 update which 
>> changed something for the better-I had previously tried installed while on 
>> 10.8.x, and the first 10.9 update)
>> Shane
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