The book list was implemented at same time as scope in jsword.
On 2 May 2014 15:18, "DM Smith" <> wrote:

> On May 2, 2014, at 3:36 AM, John Austin <>
> wrote:
> - There will be a Scope parameter in the .conf file, formatted as an
> osisID of the specified v11n, which details the books, chapters, and verses
> that are included in the entire module. The Scope param is the only way to
> detect which books (etc) are available in a module without first having to
> install the module, as necessary for some applications.
> You must mean osisRef. This would allow "Gen-Rev" and "Gen.1.1-Gen.1.3".
> The osisIDs for these would be "Gen Exod Lev ... Rev" and "Gen.1.1 Gen.1.2
> Gen.1.3", respectively.
> Also note that an osisRef has a book order based on the v11n.
> Question regarding Scope: Will it include chapter 0 and verse 0. (i.e.
> presence of headings and introductions)?
> For JSword, as Chris noted, we plan to have a sidecar conf for each module
> that will act as a cache for computed settings and module
> preferences/settings (e.g. Cipher, Font). This will be one of them. It is
> very expensive on a phone to compute an accurate book list.
> We've been discussing having a separate BookScope in addition, as we need
> to know the list of books independently of the verses that the books
> contain. This would merely be an optimization of the Scope.
> I'd like to know more how you envision a frontend using the Scope field
> prior to installing the module.
> In Him,
> DM
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