On 02/05/14 09:36, John Austin wrote:
> - Scripture reference tags will all specify target modules using
> osisRefs like this: "ESV:Matt.1.1" (and it may be that the specified
> module is not always installed, thus its av11n unknowable).

After a long time I found this old email, and given I am just in the
process of writing a parser for notes generating <reference> elements, I
wonder whether the format of the reference has changed, or whether when
using intra-bible references I can still use the old one (i.e., without
the module name in the front)?

Is "<reference osisRef="John.3.16">Gospel message</reference>" still a
good reference or do I have to use '<reference
osisRef="CzeCSP:John.3.16">' even inside CzeCSP module?



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Two things fill the heart with renewed and increasing awe and
reverence the more often and the more steadily that they are
meditated on: the starry skies above me and the moral law inside
    -- Immanuel Kant: Critique of Practical Reason

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