Hi Manfred,

I am not sure if this has anything to do with your problems but the code 
snippet you sent uses the old methodology of constructing a standalone VerseKey 
and using setPersist, which has been deprecated due to av11n. When you 
construct an instance of VerseKey standalone like that, the best we can do is 
assume KJV versification scheme. It's best to either simply grab the module's 
key with module.getKey(), which will already have v11n set appropriately for 
the module and changing this key's position will adjust your module location, 
as in the old persist methodology before, or else construct and delete a new 
key if you need a separate one using module.createKey().

Hope this helps some,


On October 6, 2014 3:41:48 PM CEST, Manfred Bergmann <manfred.bergm...@me.com> 
>Since once of the larger refactorings in SWORD my code for retrieving
>mod, book, chapter introductions doesn't work anymore.
>So I've tried to adapt according to introtest.cpp.
>But I can only get it to work for book introductions. Chapter and
>module doesn't work.
>This basically is the code for module introductions:
>- (NSString *)moduleIntro {
>    sword::VerseKey key;
>    key.setIntros(true);
>    key.setPersist(true);
>    key.setAutoNormalize(false);
>    [self setSwordKey:[SwordKey swordKeyWithSWKey:&key]];
>    key.setVerse(0);
>    key.setChapter(0);
>    key.setBook(0);
>    key.setTestament(0);
>    return [self renderedText];
>But -renderedText or the SWORD function it calls: renderText() returns
>Are there any known issues I have to be aware of?
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