I hadn't thought too much about the new Xapian search usage until I had
reason this morning to look at disc usage under ~/.sword.

Xapian indices are monstrous in size.

A touchstone for this is that my personal NETnote module has rawcom
ot+nt files whose size total about 23M.  But the Xapian indices for the
module are 140M.  Until a little while ago, ~/.sword contained about
28G, of which 23.2G was Xapian indices...  Then I deleted all Xapian
indices and am back to CLucene using --without-xapian in Sword.

I realize the reason for Xapian is CLucene's lack of support.  But do we
really want a 7-fold size increase in module space occupation for the
sake of the new indexer/search?
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