I found the problem with anonymous ftp with user name ftp being randomly disabled. It is because Plesk thinks it is smarter than me, and undoes my configuration changes whenever it regenerates configuration files from its database, but it doesn't give me a way to specify what I want to do. Therefore, I set up a crontab task to fight back. Crude, I know, but effective. Sorry about the outage.

Note that access to the repository never went down with user name "anonymous" for anonymous FTP or via HTTP. This is small comfort, I know, when the Sword engine almost always uses "ftp".

Regarding stability: right now, I keep regenerating the whole repository every time I tweak something, like the way .zip files are made and trying to shorten some module names. Regeneration is in progress, right now. As each module is regenerated, its version number increments. I'll slow that down when the process is more stable.

On 08/16/2015 02:08 PM, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
On 08/16/2015 07:52 PM, Brian Schroeder wrote:
Is their something wrong with the eBible site at the moment?
If you set it up in mod.mgr for FTP usage, the problem is that anon FTP has been disabled at this time.  I don't know why.

$ ftp ftp.ebible.org
Connected to ftp.ebible.org (
220 ProFTPD 1.3.5 Server (ftp.ebible.org) []
Name (ftp.ebible.org:karl): ftp
331 Password required for ftp
530 Login incorrect.
Login failed.

Alternate suggestion is to configure for HTTP instead, host ebible.org and directory /sword, which works fine.

However, the content of this repo is unstable; every time I install/update a bunch of modules, then refresh, a new batch of updates appears.


Kahunapule Michael Johnson

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