I'm removing a pile of modules, 1 at a time:

$ pwd
$ list yss*
-rw-r--r-- 1 karl karl 3086 Aug 15 23:50 yss_yamano2004.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 karl karl 3091 Aug 15 23:50 yss_yawu1996.conf
$ installmgr -u yss_yawu1996
Removed module: [yss_yawu1996]
$ installmgr -u yss_yamano2004
Removed module: [yss_yamano2004]
$ *list yss**
-rw-r--r-- 1 karl karl 3086 Aug 15 23:50 *yss_yamano2004.conf*
-rw-r--r-- 1 karl karl 3091 Aug 15 23:50 *yss_yawu1996.conf*
$ grep ^DataPath= yss*
$ ls -d ../modules/texts/ztext/yss*
/bin/ls: cannot access ../modules/texts/ztext/yss*: No such file or

The content is gone, the .conf remains.
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