Title: signature
Your input, observations, and tests on the eBible.org repository are welcome and encouraged.
ftp://ftp.ebible.org/pub/sword user: "anonymous" or "ftp"; password: blank or any email address you would like logged with your application's use of the repository
Both protocols access identical files.

Changes from last run:
All .zip files were re-created with the -D parameter to inhibit creating entries for directories, to work around a bug in JSword.
Many module names were changed, usually to a shorter length. Instead of "_" separators, creative use of mixed case was used to show a separation between language code and dialect or translation abbreviation. There should be an "Obsoletes=" entry in the .conf file for any module whose name was changed, even if there was only a change in casing. I plan to remove the entries that differ only in case on the next run, because I have concerns about how that line would be handled in a case-insensitive file system, but not including them in this run would likely be a hassle for my fellow Linux lovers who have been testing.

For the World English Bible and Word Messianic Bible, I added "Obsoletes=" lines for the old versions from Crosswire main, because these definitely are more up to date with respect to language updates, typo corrections, etc. The copy in the eBible.org repository will now be maintained as up to date as the HTML at http://eBible.org and http://WorldEnglishBible.org. How often a user updates their World English Bible module is up to them. It is mostly stable, now, but there is a proofreading effort under way to make punctuation use more consistent, especially with respect to colon, double dash, semicolon, and comma usage. This will result in many updates, each of which triggers a major version number increment.

Some modules are tied to shared Paratext projects, and may be updated regularly, like the English T4T and some Micronesian Bible projects.

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