This is a proposal I've brought up multiple times in the past when
people have said it would be difficult to resolve multiple copies with
the same name. It would necessitate changes to existing front-ends,
but they would not be drastic. However, this only addresses the
duplication issue in terms of clobbering updates - each front end
would need to figure out how to convey the difference between two
different installations of the module.


On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 8:08 AM, DM Smith <> wrote:
> This suggestion requires no change to existing software. It almost 
> necessitates software to be changed to use Abbreviation and to do that well.
> If we had each repository downloaded to its own folder, e.g. ebible, xiphos, 
> ibt, sword, sword-beta, … that would solve the mechanical problem of one repo 
> clashing with another. I think this would take a software change.
> JSword did this initially. It caused problems for people that had more than 
> one frontend as they could only see the “classic” sword folder. So we changed 
> it to a single shared download location.
> I think this is a better long term solution.
> In Him,
>         DM Smith
>> On Sep 3, 2015, at 5:26 AM, Peter von Kaehne <> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Looking at the flurry of emails from the last few weeks I am thinking
>> if I was Michael, I would start hitting my head against the wall.
>> There are quite clearly two kinds of problems:
>> 1) Things that stop us actually putting the repo formally online
>> 2) Things that would be nice to get fixed
>> And right now we (i.e. mostly Michael) get(s) bogged down on (2) while
>> (1) is what we/he really should concentrate upon.
>> Recent emails re duplications (I started it, so I tap my nose) are a
>> case in point. If we could ensure that no module of Michael is ever
>> installed on top of a module from us (in the widest sense - IBT,
>> Xiphos, CrossWire, NET) then things would be a lot smoother already.
>> Yes we might have a multitude of modules in triplicate, but that is
>> then a minor inconvenience which can be sorted at leisure instead of
>> delaying the start up of the repo. Given that we have 1000s of modules
>> between us, it is likely that we will find showstopping duplications
>> for some time to come - unless we do something drastic:
>> Proposal:
>> 1) Add a namespace element to ModuleName and datapath. Initially we do
>> this solely for eBible, but we can then expand that to other
>> repos/publishers. This removes all risk of duplication upon existing
>> installs - yes the user will then have two KJVs or whatever, but no
>> corruption of indeces, or mess of his private notes. So Michael's texts
>> should all have a Modulename like SpaRV2009ebib and a data path
>> sparv2009ebib.
>> 2) Enact some discipline prior to posting
>> a) - no new non-showstopping threads on ebible until we got the repo
>> online.
>> b) - thread discipline. I am very interested to see eBible happening,
>> but I find it hard to follow the multitude of threads.
>> c) - bugs in frontends are bugs in frontends and not eBible's problems,
>> even if triggered by eBible.
>> Thanks
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