On 09/03/2015 07:09 PM, Kahunapule Michael Johnson wrote:
> Please make sure you get a fresh copy from the repository.
I always refresh immediately before such tests; such was the case 90
seconds before I wrote.

> the morphology tags have been stripped from this module for now. Those
> may come back, later, if I have time to deal with all of that.

Why did you do that?  As I wrote when first looking over grcTisch (Wed
09:02pm), all you needed to fix the problem was to add
GlobalOptionFilter=OSISMorph in order to trigger the apps' ability to
switch it on and off in the engine, and (in Xiphos' case) to provide for
the needed separate subtext layer to hold it, apart from Strong's, when
switching it on.

There's nothing "to deal with," you just have to configure it properly. 
Literally a one-line .conf fix.  I had already manually added it to my
local copy and seen that it would then be fine.
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