On 09/03/2015 10:50 PM, Peter von Kaehne wrote:
> Where is Troy and what does he think?

I have just arrived back from being tour-guide for my sister on vacation
and now I need a vacation :)

I've been following these threads, catching up when I have time, and I
think the conversations happening need to happen and everyone ultimately
is coming to sane and logical conclusions.  I am enjoying being a spectator.

I like Peter's suggestion to namespace with a trailing publisher code
for all the reasons everyone has said, and especially since it will get
the eBible repo online publicly without any engine changes right now.

Great work and I'm excited about all the movement and new resources for
the Gospel mission!


> Peter
> On Thu, 2015-09-03 at 10:21 -1000, Kahunapule Michael Johnson wrote:
>> Based on Peter's good advice and sound reasoning, I'm appending an 
>> "eb" to every Bible module name in the eBible.org repository. I 
>> didn't want to lengthen the module names excessively with something 
>> like "eBible_org" or even "ebib" on the end-- just enough to avoid 
>> collisions among less than a dozen repositories. These module names 
>> get crammed into really small spaces at times, for better or for 
>> worse, at least for display. One letter appended didn't seem quite 
>> enough for clarity, but two letters provides 676 possible 
>> combinations and a reasonable chance of assigning sequences that make 
>> sense, like cw, ib, xi, etc. I'm not putting in an obsoletes line in 
>> the conf files for these changes, leaving a manual cleanup challenge 
>> behind. Such obsoletes lines would have undesired side-effects in the 
>> case of existing collisions, especially the worst kind, where names 
>> differ only by case. I'm assuming that the other modules probably 
>> won't change their module names for existing modules, being already 
>> fully public and in general use already, but might adopt a similar 
>> convention for all new modules.
>> I regret any inconvenience this naming convention change may cause 
>> for those awesome people who have been testing the eBible.org 
>> repositories. It seems that this little thing will solve more 
>> problems (including solving problems in advance) for more people than 
>> the inconvenience it may cause.
>> In the case of the non-Bible modules on the eBible.org repository, 
>> I'm not renaming them at this time, because they are bit-for-bit 
>> copies of the same modules from Crosswire main. Therefore, 
>> duplication should not be a problem. Those are there merely as a 
>> convenience. They could be removed if they actually do cause a 
>> problem.
>> Module abbreviations are mostly unchanged. Collisions could happen. I 
>> think the consensus is that those will be dealt with by the front 
>> ends when they happen for particular users.
>> In other news, I have (1) disabled morphology tags that don't use the 
>> same system as DM's KJV, and (2) corrected a bug in the code where it 
>> was possible for Haiola to miss generating a 
>> GlobalOptionFilter=OSISMorph line in the conf file. The new grcTisheb 
>> module should at least display correctly, even though it is missing 
>> some features. I'll deal with that later. Maybe. Ideally, I will 
>> restore the missing features when I learn some things I don't yet 
>> know and have time to implement that.
>> Thank you, front end developers, for making adjustments to handle 
>> another very large repository.
>> Thank you, all who have tested the new repository and pointed out 
>> opportunities for improvement, some of which have been essential.
>> With the addition of the new eBible.org repository:
>> More people will be able to use Sword project software for Bible 
>> study on their favorite devices and in their own language.
>> Adding new Bibles and Bible portions to the Crosswire Sword module 
>> collection just got orders of magnitude easier and faster.
>> Frequent revisions and additions for translations that are in 
>> progress are truly practical, now. New books can be added or updated 
>> as they are completed or revised.
>> We have a way of easily tapping into Paratext projects for rapid 
>> updates, which is actually happening now with about a dozen projects.
>> We have a way to quickly publish any Bible we get permission for from 
>> the Every Tribe Every Nation Digital Bible Library.
>> This is a level of automation and service that I think is a great 
>> advance for the Crosswire Bible Society. Pat yourselves on the back, 
>> because I can't reach you from my computer. OK, now back to work. ;-) 
>> Yesterday's conf clean-up is done, and moved to 
>> http://eBible.org/sword. The renaming process is in progress, module 
>> by module, at http://eBible.org/swordbeta.
>> On 09/03/2015 04:05 AM, Peter von Kaehne wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2015-09-03 at 09:29 -0400, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
>>>> Adding complexity to configuration will not solve the problems 
>>>> being 
>>>> fought.  Module de-dup and filesystem choice conflicts are 
>>>> readily 
>>>> solvable.  Analogy: I'm finishing up a novel, and I need a title.
>>>> Hm, how about "To Kill a Mockingbird"?  Um, no, that's taken, and 
>>>> we 
>>>> expect written works (hm) to have unique titles.  There is just 
>>>> one 
>>>> Romeo and Juliet, one Midsummer Night's Dream, and one The 
>>>> Tempest.  
>>>> Now apply the idea to Sword modules.
>>> Yes, but Romeo and Juliet is produced by a dozen of different
>>> publishers, because it is thankfully out of copyright. 
>>> http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_10?url=search
>>> -alias%3Dstripbooks&field
>>> -keywords=romeo+and+juliet&sprefix=romeo+and+%2Caps%2C339
>>> Most of these are by Shakespeare, some are some tribute plays or
>>> whatever by other authors. Amazon can handle this, my bookshelf can
>>> handle this, CrossWire should handle this. 
>>>>> the eBible repository is currently nowhere advertised. People 
>>>>> who
>>>> *ahem*  Nobody's getting off that easily.  I alone had no less 
>>>> than 6 
>>>> reports about eBible's failure to deliver content, all because 
>>>> Michael wasn't testing his own repo before repeatedly announcing 
>>>> "all 
>>>> is well!" to the world even when nothing was working.  Others 
>>>> reported problems as well.  So I'm not buying that.  I don't 
>>>> expect 
>>>> us to have to deal with a repo that was effectively bricked 
>>>> without 
>>>> its owner even knowing it.
>>> Leaving aside Michael's initial start-up difficulties, it remains a
>>> fact that until eBible is part of the automatic repo updater,
>>> advertised on the Wiki and elsewhere it remains a beta or even
>>> experimental repo. People will need to live with breakage. 
>>> And my proposal has the beauty that the only breakage some people 
>>> will
>>> experience is that they will suddenly have 2 SpaRV2009 from eBible 
>>> (one
>>> called SpaRV2009 and SpaRV2009ebib. Nothing will actually break. 
>>>> eBible repo has waited a long time to become available.  I think 
>>>> another week or three ...
>>> I agree that we can wait a little while longer, but my proposal 
>>> changes
>>> nothing to the negative, but removes in one fell swoop a whole 
>>> range of
>>> options for damaging failure.
>>> Peter
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>> -- 
>> Aloha,
>> Kahunapule Michael Johnson
>> PO BOX 881143
>> PUKALANI HI 96788-1143
>> USA  eBible.org
>> MLJohnson.org
>> Mobile: +1 808-333-6921
>> Skype: kahunapule
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