I found the following in eBible’s kud2008eb. The following is Matt.1.1.

<div type="x-milestone" subType="x-preverse" sID="pv1"/><div sID="gen5" 
type="section"/><title canonical="false" type="sub">Yeisu Besinana ana mumugao 
</title><title type="parallel">(<reference osisRef="Luke.3.23">Luke 
3:23-38</reference>) </title><div sID="gen6" type="x-p"/> <div 
type="x-milestone" subType="x-preverse" eID="pv1"/>Laulele teina Besinana Yeisu 
ana mumugao vehabadi. Yeisu tubuna Deivida, na Deivida tubuna mugamugaina 

The problem is that the osisRef is incomplete. It should be 

The impact is that clicking on the reference in Bible Desktop, it only shows 
Luke 3:23.

The following is just extra. It is in addition to the bug mentioned above.

It is also really odd that there is a second title that contains a 
parenthesized, inlined reference.

The type="sub” is meant to give a sub part of a title. Since there is no prior 
title, it shouldn’t be sub. As a plain title, it doesn’t need an attribute.

Also, the type=“parallel” is inappropriate. The OSIS manual gives that parallel 
is meant to provide the title in another language. The type sub is probably 
more appropriate. Or even type="continued” which means that this title 
continues the last.

Note that canonical=“false” is redundant. All titles by default are 

In Him,
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