You can fix this relatively straightforwardly by making use of the sword 
engine. It provides you with a reference parser which does all the required. I 
use it with reasonable success when making modules. Human input variations 
clearly can make this a messy affair though.

I agree absence of a fix should not stop making use of the repo.

Sent from my phone. Apologies for brevity and typos.On 22 Sep 2015 02:37, 
Kahunapule Michael Johnson <> wrote:
> On 09/21/2015 02:11 PM, DM Smith wrote:
>> I found the following in eBible’s kud2008eb. The following is Matt.1.1.
>> <div type="x-milestone" subType="x-preverse" sID="pv1"/><div sID="gen5" 
>> type="section"/><title canonical="false" type="sub">Yeisu Besinana ana 
>> mumugao </title><title type="parallel">(<reference osisRef="Luke.3.23">Luke 
>> 3:23-38</reference>) </title><div sID="gen6" type="x-p"/> <div 
>> type="x-milestone" subType="x-preverse" eID="pv1"/>Laulele teina Besinana 
>> Yeisu ana mumugao vehabadi. Yeisu tubuna Deivida, na Deivida tubuna 
>> mugamugaina Abelaham. 
>> The problem is that the osisRef is incomplete. It should be 
>> osisRef="Luke.3.23-Luke.3.38”.
>> The impact is that clicking on the reference in Bible Desktop, it only shows 
>> Luke 3:23.
> This is a known artifact of the current conversion from human-readable 
> references to machine readable references. USFM doesn't directly handle 
> reference links, so I synthesize them on conversion to USFX, which is then 
> converted to OSIS. This will probably be fixed eventually, but don't hold 
> your breath waiting for it. It probably involves rewriting the code that does 
> that, which is currently a set of 7 XSLT processes. I have a lot of higher 
> priorities on my work list. If you prefer, I could inhibit such osisRef 
> entries altogether until such time as I might possibly get around to 
> improving the reference reading process. (It is kind of complicated, since 
> "human readable" actually means "human readable in any of about 7,000 
> languages".) The alternative of getting all of the translators (or anyone 
> else) to go back and manually enter machine-readable references probably 
> won't happen during this century.
>> The following is just extra. It is in addition to the bug mentioned above.
>> It is also really odd that there is a second title that contains a 
>> parenthesized, inlined reference.
>> The type="sub” is meant to give a sub part of a title. Since there is no 
>> prior title, it shouldn’t be sub. As a plain title, it doesn’t need an 
>> attribute.
> That "sub" in the title probably came from \s (section title), which could be 
> (but isn't always) under \ms (main section title). It does no harm, as far as 
> I can tell, and having it there covers the case where \s follows \ms. Let's 
> not move the goal posts any more than we have to.
>> Also, the type=“parallel” is inappropriate. The OSIS manual gives that 
>> parallel is meant to provide the title in another language. The type sub is 
>> probably more appropriate. Or even type="continued” which means that this 
>> title continues the last.
> Page Appendix F, page 138 of the OSIS User Manual seems to disagree with you 
> about the proper conversion of the USFM \r tag.
>> Note that canonical=“false” is redundant. All titles by default are 
>> canonical=“false”.
> Yes, it is. That is certainly not the only redundancy. It is not harmful.
> -- 
> Aloha,
> Kahunapule Michael Johnson
> PO BOX 881143
> PUKALANI HI 96788-1143
> Mobile: +1 808-333-6921
> Skype: kahunapule
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