Does anyone know Turkish that can help figure out a problem I am having?

Background: In ASCII the first 32 characters (00 to 1F) are control characters 
and most are not valid for XML, but are valid for UTF-8.

In one of our modules, ERtr_en, I am seeing data such as:
For the 26th entry, the entry looks like

AUSTOS  1. August<br />

However, the key AUSTOS has a non-printable between A and U of the control 
character with the hex value 1F:
‘A’ ‘1F’ ‘U’ ’S’ ’T’ ‘O’ ’S’

What is the correct value?

Note: There are hundreds of such problems in this module. And I’m seeing such 
non-printables in many other modules from the same source ( 

For those that are interested, here are the first entries in the dictionary, 
none of which see right to me (ran a few of the definitions through google 
index   offset  size    key     value
0       33132   22      0NCIL   1. Bible<br />
1       33156   72      0NGILIZ 1. English<br />2. Englishman; Sassenach...
2       33260   32      0NGILIZ KAM1_1  1. bamboo<br />
3       33230   28      0NGILIZCE       1. English<br />
4       33294   44      0NGILTERE       1. England<br />2. England<br />
5       33340   28      0RAN    1. Iran; Persia<br />
6       33370   25      0RANL1  1. Iranian<br />
7       33397   26      0RLANDA 1. Ireland<br />
8       33425   43      0RLANDAL1       1. Irish<br />2. Irishman<br />
9       33470   21      0SA     1. Christ<br />
10      33493   22      0SLAM   1. Islam<br />
11      33517   24      0SPANYA 1. Spain<br />
12      33543   28      0SPANYOL        1. Spaniard<br />
13      33573   39      0SRAIL  1. Israel<br />2. Israel<br />
14      33614   28      0STANBUL        1. Istanbul<br />
15      33644   24      0SVEÇ   1. Sweden<br />
16      33670   41      0SVEÇLI 1. Swedish<br />2. Swede<br />
17      33713   31      0SVIÇRE 1. Switzerland<br />
18      33746   41      0SVIÇRELI       1. Swiss<br />2. Swiss<br />
19      33789   23      0TALYA  1. Italy<br />
20      33814   42      0TALYAN 1. Italian<br />2. Italian<br />
21      33858   44      0TALYANCA       1. Italian<br />2. Italian<br />
22      33904   26      0ZLANDA 1. Iceland<br />
23      33086   20      1L1K    1. warm<br />
24      33108   22      1RMAK   1. river<br />
25      7062    25      AUSTOS  1. August<br />

Thanks in advance!

In Him,
        DM Smith

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