On Jan 6, 2016 12:53 PM, "Troy A. Griffitts" <scr...@crosswire.org> wrote:

> I don't want to fight about this yet again.
> This is a commercial module to be sold by Lockman.  That is a different
> scenario from other modules.  For this module, I have reasonably asked:
> 1) That we have a scripted, reproducible way to transform their data
> from their pristine source to a module.

Complete as I know it at this time. I left the lexica alone for the time
being because no one has ever presented me with concrete problems the
module has. I've only ever heard a vague "it has issues". I'll take another
look soon to see what those problems might be and see if I need to make
changes. The conversion for the Bible + notes has been completely rewritten
into Python with a load of unit tests - every time someone has pointed out
a bug in it to me, I add a unittest that is the actual text from the module
that causes the bug and then I fix the unittests. This has made my
iterations much more stable with regards to regressions.

> 2) That we support their entire dataset which they have given us for
> this module (base text + footnotes / crossrefs + lexica)

I'm unaware of deficiencies here at present. I'd be happy to verify that
and the onus then falls to me at this time if we aren't supporting some
portion of it.

> 3) That the result works generally in all major SWORD/JSword frontends.

Last I heard from DM, there was a fix in the development versions of
JSword/BD for whatever outstanding features it was missing. And he had
promised to make a release "this weekend" in the Spring of last year. I
don't believe that release was ever cut.


> It is not as simple as-- just release it and fix it later.  This is to
> be sold by Lockman.
> Historically, we have had at least 4 people own this effort over the
> years.  It is not simply that one person has sat on this and hasn't
> finished it for 12 years.
> I think we are close.  In my mind, the current owner (Greg) simply needs
> to have a list of outstanding items which keep us from satisfying 1-3
> and push each of them down the road until they are done.
> I don't know what those items are.  I am just concerned that we meet 1-3
> before we give the data to Lockman to sell and I feel these 3 items are
> reasonable requests.
> Troy
> On 01/06/2016 11:04 AM, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
> > On 01/06/2016 10:56 AM, Greg Hellings wrote:
> >> but no one has told me what those issues are
> > It comes down to this:
> > We need to look for the way to say Yes, and stop coughing up any and all
> > possible, weak, ham-handed excuses to say No.
> >
> > A long time ago -- late '08 -- I flamed at length here about Getting
> > Stuff Done.  The fact that NASB has languished for significantly longer
> > than a decade and _/*STILL*/_ hasn't found its way out the door is an
> > existential statement about Crosswire in this regard.  Crosswire as a
> > whole has an indecent problem with the idea of Getting Stuff Done, where
> > "done" means "out the door."
> >
> > If you consider this from the perspective of an outside observer, it
> > looks like someone literally doesn't want NASB ever to be released.
> > Consider: In the last 12 years, one of my sons graduated high school,
> > took a couple years off, went to college, finished college, got married,
> > began a career, and had his first child, who will be a year old very
> > soon.  In that same time period Crosswire couldn't get the NASB module
> > (set) finished.
> >
> > Any reason to say No is completely obliterated by saying "12 years."
> > It's time to say Yes.
> >
> >
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