Reposting the below message from the last time we visited this. If you wish to see the conversation around this, have a look at the mailman archives here:

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Re: [sword-devel] NASB status
Date:   Wed, 6 Jan 2016 11:53:30 -0700
From:   Troy A. Griffitts <>
Reply-To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum <>
To:     SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum <>

I don't want to fight about this yet again.

This is a commercial module to be sold by Lockman.  That is a different
scenario from other modules.  For this module, I have reasonably asked:

1) That we have a scripted, reproducible way to transform their data
from their pristine source to a module.

2) That we support their entire dataset which they have given us for
this module (base text + footnotes / crossrefs + lexica)

3) That the result works generally in all major SWORD/JSword frontends.

It is not as simple as-- just release it and fix it later.  This is to
be sold by Lockman.

Historically, we have had at least 4 people own this effort over the
years.  It is not simply that one person has sat on this and hasn't
finished it for 12 years.

I think we are close.  In my mind, the current owner (Greg) simply needs
to have a list of outstanding items which keep us from satisfying 1-3
and push each of them down the road until they are done.

I don't know what those items are.  I am just concerned that we meet 1-3
before we give the data to Lockman to sell and I feel these 3 items are
reasonable requests.


On 01/06/2016 11:04 AM, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
On 01/06/2016 10:56 AM, Greg Hellings wrote:
but no one has told me what those issues are
It comes down to this:
We need to look for the way to say Yes, and stop coughing up any and all
possible, weak, ham-handed excuses to say No.

A long time ago -- late '08 -- I flamed at length here about Getting
Stuff Done.  The fact that NASB has languished for significantly longer
than a decade and _/*STILL*/_ hasn't found its way out the door is an
existential statement about Crosswire in this regard.  Crosswire as a
whole has an indecent problem with the idea of Getting Stuff Done, where
"done" means "out the door."

If you consider this from the perspective of an outside observer, it
looks like someone literally doesn't want NASB ever to be released.
Consider: In the last 12 years, one of my sons graduated high school,
took a couple years off, went to college, finished college, got married,
began a career, and had his first child, who will be a year old very
soon.  In that same time period Crosswire couldn't get the NASB module
(set) finished.

Any reason to say No is completely obliterated by saying "12 years."
It's time to say Yes.

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