On 02/21/2017 11:37 PM, Matt Zabojnik wrote:

> know, I have no awareness of any sort of situation relating to the matter.

Let's put it this way: Other than official resources distributed by
authorized agents of _The Sword Project_, _Accordance_, _BibleWorks_,
and _Logos Library Systems_ (I've forgotten what they changed their name
to), my working assumption is that the copyright data on any resource
is, at best, inaccurate.

In all instances it is mandatory to do due diligence.
Obtain permission in writing. Corporate letterhead signed by the party
that is authorized to give permission to third parties to utilize the
material elsewhere, with the letter stating precisely what permissions
are being given, and what the limitations on those permissions are.

All of which is a round about way of saying your PD NASB either is not
what it purports to be --- the NASB --- or else has been relicensed by
somebody who lacked the legal authorization to do so, or neither the
NASB, and was relicensed by somebody who lacked the legal authorization
to do so.


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