I apologize for the confusion here, this really should have been two
threads, as two conversations are occurring simultaneously.
I have permission in regards to NASB.

On the other hand, what started as a simple question about declaring PD
sources ended up commanding the direction of the thread.

I think I may be misunderstanding you though on your statement about
copyright statements being inaccurate if not declared by the parties you
named. Now I think you're saying that it's your *working assumption*, which
I think to mean that it's a safe place to work from, and not that you mean
that they are the only trustworthy authority on a copyright statement. Did
I understand you correctly?

Thanks for all the swift input, everyone. This has been rich.


On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 1:08 PM, jonathon <jonathon.bl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 02/21/2017 11:37 PM, Matt Zabojnik wrote:
> > know, I have no awareness of any sort of situation relating to the
> matter.
> Let's put it this way: Other than official resources distributed by
> authorized agents of _The Sword Project_, _Accordance_, _BibleWorks_,
> and _Logos Library Systems_ (I've forgotten what they changed their name
> to), my working assumption is that the copyright data on any resource
> is, at best, inaccurate.
> In all instances it is mandatory to do due diligence.
> Obtain permission in writing. Corporate letterhead signed by the party
> that is authorized to give permission to third parties to utilize the
> material elsewhere, with the letter stating precisely what permissions
> are being given, and what the limitations on those permissions are.
> All of which is a round about way of saying your PD NASB either is not
> what it purports to be --- the NASB --- or else has been relicensed by
> somebody who lacked the legal authorization to do so, or neither the
> NASB, and was relicensed by somebody who lacked the legal authorization
> to do so.
> jonathon
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