Should we consider introducing a new, fabricated translation (IIRC this may
have originally been your idea DM), containing all potential books and used
for mapping between different v11n?  I was recently struggling to sort
bookmarks from multiple different v11n and wrote the following at the time:

1. JSword's VersificationsMapper uses KJV as the intermediate mapping so
Vulgate->KJVA will not work for dc books.
What about using a fabricated-v11n which contains all possible books,
chapters and verses as the intermediate v11n.  Maybe this would be based on
something like KJVA


On 18 June 2017 at 22:40, DM Smith <> wrote:

> Good idea. I’ll look into how we can markup an OSIS text with a mapping to
> the KJV. If we can do that, then the form that SWORD/JSword needs is merely
> a form that the two can agree upon.
> DM Smith
> On Jun 18, 2017, at 3:45 PM, Костя Маслюк <> wrote:
> Having one file for canon defnition and mappings is preffered in my point.
> Having source(reference) text in that file as well is best.
> So would OSIS gurus say whether it is possible to store all data required
> to build canon and mappings in valid OSIS document?
> As i realize convenience of readable formats my point is still the same.
> So i count on some sort of authoritative desision.
> 10 июня 2017 г. 5:31 PM пользователь "DM Smith" <>
> написал:
> Circling back around to this.
> There are two parts to the problem:
> 1) AV11N
> 2) Mapping to KJV
> AV11N:
> In JSword, we don’t yet have a form for external AV11N. There are two
> parts to this: Books and Verse/Chapter counts. Books have presence and
> ordering. Chapters have verse counts, answering "What is the highest verse
> number in the chapter?” JSword and SWORD differ a bit on internal
> representation of chapter counts, but the biggest difference is that we
> have one representation for the OT and one for the NT, allowing reuse of a
> testament’s chapter counts. The other is a slight difference where we don’t
> have a separate array of the counts of chapters.
> In canon.h there is:
> struct sbook ntbooks[] = {
>   {"Matthew", "Matt", "Matt", 28},
> JSword doesn’t have the chapter count, 28, present in its book order array.
> The canon.h vm[] array is:
> int vm[] = {
>   // Genesis
>   31, 25, 24, 26, 32, 22, 24, 22, 29, 32,
>   32, 20, 18, 24, 21, 16, 27, 33, 38, 18,
>   34, 24, 20, 67, 34, 35, 46, 22, 35, 43,
>   55, 32, 20, 31, 29, 43, 36, 30, 23, 23,
>   57, 38, 34, 34, 28, 34, 31, 22, 33, 26,
>   // Exodus
>   22, 25, 22, 31, 23, 30, 25, 32, 35, 29,
>   10, 51, 22, 31, 27, 36, 16, 27, 25, 26,
>   36, 31, 33, 18, 40, 37, 21, 43, 46, 38,
>   18, 35, 23, 35, 35, 38, 29, 31, 43, 38,
> The difference for JSword is that we use a doubly nested array:
>     /* protected */ static final int[][] LAST_VERSE_OT =
>     {
>         // Genesis
>         {
>            31,  25,  24,  26,  32,  22,  24,  22,  29,  32,
>            32,  20,  18,  24,  21,  16,  27,  33,  38,  18,
>            34,  24,  20,  67,  34,  35,  46,  22,  35,  43,
>            55,  32,  20,  31,  29,  43,  36,  30,  23,  23,
>            57,  38,  34,  34,  28,  34,  31,  22,  33,  26,
>         },
>         // Exodus
>         {
>            22,  25,  22,  31,  23,  30,  25,  32,  35,  29,
>            10,  51,  22,  31,  27,  36,  16,  27,  25,  26,
>            36,  31,  33,  18,  40,  37,  21,  43,  46,  38,
>            18,  35,  23,  35,  35,  38,  29,  31,  43,  38,
>         },
> We’ve maintained the comments as the same and the number of elements on a
> line the same, allowing us to diff the corresponding canon.h for
> verification.
> The practical difference is that we use sizeof to get the chapter count
> rather than a lookup in a 2D book array.
> Looking at Костя’s file his representation, while easy to generate from a
> module’s original OSIS xml is too verbose. It has one XML element per
> verse. We only need chapters/book and verses/chapter. The above
> representations are sufficiently compact. The python script that is used to
> generate the canon file can be adapted to create any format we choose.
> The format we choose should be:
> easy to read
> easy to parse and convert into the internal format needed
> compact
> The book names being standardized to OSIS is sufficient.
> The array of chapters having 10 per line make it easy for people to read.
> I’ve also spaced it so commas line up even for chapters with over 99
> verses.
> I’d suggest JSON over XML as it can represent arrays in a more compact
> form.
> E.g. (off the top of my head, can be otherwise)
> KJV = [
> [
>   [ "Gen",
>     [
>       31,  25,  24,  26,  32,  22,  24,  22,  29,  32,
>       32,  20,  18,  24,  21,  16,  27,  33,  38,  18,
>       34,  24,  20,  67,  34,  35,  46,  22,  35,  43,
>       55,  32,  20,  31,  29,  43,  36,  30,  23,  23,
>       57,  38,  34,  34,  28,  34,  31,  22,  33,  26
>     ]
>   ],
>   [ "Exod",
>     [
>       22,  25,  22,  31,  23,  30,  25,  32,  35,  29,
>       10,  51,  22,  31,  27,  36,  16,  27,  25,  26,
>       36,  31,  33,  18,  40,  37,  21,  43,  46,  38,
>       18,  35,  23,  35,  35,  38,  29,  31,  43,  38
>     ]
>   ],
> ... rest of OT ...
> ],
> [
> ... NT spec ...
> ]
> ]
> Of course we could come up with a proprietary format. E.g.
> KJV 29 27
> Gen 50
>   31  25  24  26  32  22  24  22  29  32
>   32  20  18  24  21  16  27  33  38  18
>   34  24  20  67  34  35  46  22  35  43
>   55  32  20  31  29  43  36  30  23  23
>   57  38  34  34  28  34  31  22  33  26
> Exod 40
>   22  25  22  31  23  30  25  32  35  29
>   10  51  22  31  27  36  16  27  25  26
>   36  31  33  18  40  37  21  43  46  38
>   18  35  23  35  35  38  29  31  43  38
> I favor a standard format over proprietary. For JSword, if standard, we'd
> use a 3rd-party parser. But writing a parser is fairly trivial.
> Response on standardizing mapping file next.
> In Him,
> DM
> On Oct 2, 2016, at 6:13 AM, Troy A. Griffitts <>
> wrote:
> Thanks for bringing this up Dominique. Костя, what do we need to move
> forward into this next release?
> I also, with you, would like to have one common format shared with JSword
> to store our mappings.  Do you have any comments about their format?  Is it
> something we should simply adopt and write a generator utility to our .h
> mappings? Does JSword's format include anything we don't support? or vice
> versa?
> Troy
> On 10/02/2016 09:08 AM, Dominique Corbex wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 01:45:00 +0300
> Костя Маслюк <> wrote:
> It is still important to place all we have for av11n schemes and mappings
> in one place.
> I agree..
> At there are examples
> I'd like to submit sword mappings to these French versification schemes
> before the next release of Sword.
> So, I just need to write 3 Bible xml files with all the <OsisIDs>
> related to these schemes and the mappings <refMap> at the end, and run:
> $ python Bible.<versification>.xml
> and then add the resulting code to the associated .h file.
> Am I right?
> In Christ
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