I already had AndBible installed.

Bishop installed and recognized all the modules (at least 20+ bibles, i
haven't confirmed "ALL") that AndBible has present. I haven't attempted any
more module installs after installing Bishop, either from AndBible or

The text is small on my Samsung Galaxy On5. Not horribly unreadably small,
but small for me to use for any length of time. I don't see settings to
adjust that, so I haven't spent much time on it. I can and will test more
if you have something specific.. But this isn't ready for my eyes yet. Very
promising tho. :-) Based on the images in the store screen, I would be
using it more if the text had size adjustment.

On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 11:05 PM, Troy A. Griffitts <scr...@crosswire.org>

> I've had 2 instances of problems running the app.  One was a report from a
> user here, and another was trying to install the app on my TV.  In both
> cases, the app showed a blank gray screen after install and and startup.
> I have had debug versions on all my devices here at some point, so I'm not
> a very good clean test case.  Has anyone had any luck installing and
> getting the basic set of modules running? Or any problems?  Thanks for any
> feedback.
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.crosswire.bishop
> Troy
> On 03/02/2018 01:31 PM, David Haslam wrote:
> *Suggestion:*
> Please edit https://wiki.crosswire.org/Frontends:Bishop
> and add these details.
> Best regards,
> David
> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com> Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On 1 March 2018 2:26 AM, Troy A. Griffitts <scr...@crosswire.org>
> <scr...@crosswire.org> wrote:
> Dear team,
> You all know we've been working on Cordova bindings for SWORD for quite
> some time now.  We now have a simple reader written in JavaScript which
> will run unchanged on both Android and iOS.Bishop includes an InstallMgr to
> auto-discover remote installation sources and let a user install SWORD
> content.
> I've kept the development code name "Bishop", my favorite android (from
> Aliens) and almost appropriate for a Bible app :)  I've also tacked on our
> boring moniker from our Windows app, "Bishop: The SWORD Project for
> Android".  Long name but should get more search hits.
> Basically, Bishop's UI has 2 basic modes:
> *Reader*: which simply shows 1 chapter of up to 3 Bibles in parallel.
> *Verse* *Study*: When in reader mode, as the user scrolls, one verse will
> always be active, when "Verse Study" is chosen from the menu, the user can
> then drill down into that active verse.  Verse Study has 4 tools:
> *Word* *Study*: shows the verse broken down word by word, showing the
> original Greek or Hebrew behind each word, along with a simple definition.
> * Commentary*: shows all installed commentary for that verse.
> *Witness* *Study*: shows all available ancient New Testament manuscript
> witnesses which attest to the current verse.
> *Variant* *Study*: shows all variant between the manuscript witnesses for
> the current verse.
> Other features include very basic bookmarks and search.  The Android
> release has an initial attempt at BibleSync support to send your current
> verse out to all your friends running Bishop on the same network (thanks
> Karl!).
> The initial goal of Bishop was to be the thinnest client on top of the
> bindings, as an example and thus uses no 3rd party libraries, save jQuery.
> Now that the initial release is completed and can serve as an example,
> we're free to improve the mobile user interface if anyone feels called to
> join the team and give it a shot.
> Installation locations follow.  It's best to let Bishop install its basic
> set of SWORD modules upon first run, so it has a minimal set of tools it
> can use to operate.  It will prompt you to do this when you first launch
> the application and it finds no modules installed.
> Android users can install the app from:
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.crosswire.bishop
> iPhone users will need to send me their UDID for testing while we try to
> get through the Apple Store approval process.  I haven't even tried yet as
> I don't have much hope that it is "pretty" enough for them, but the
> download link for the iPhone binary is here:
> https://crosswire.org/bishop/manifest.plist
> https://crosswire.org/bishop.ipa
> The code can be had from:
> http://git.crosswire.org/main/bishop
> Please let us know what you think if you are a user, and offer your
> suggestions from a usability perspective.
> If you are a developer, please offer comments and suggest features you
> have a desire and are willing to add.
> Please give us a great rating so we show up in a search in the Play Store
> and let others know.  I think we have some unique feature that other app
> don't offer and I've been using Bishop as my morning reader for a while
> now.  The default fullscreen text without clutter is pleasant.
> Christ's best for you!
> Troy
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