Thank you David for once again assisting me.


“ts2009en” is indeed the <cipher key>.


When I ran “./modules/lexdict/zld/ts2009en TS2009enVer100.txt -z -cts2009en”, 
it gives me the error message:

You are running tei2mod: $Rev: 2138 $

tei2mod: Unknown argument: -cts2009en


It seems as if it doesn’t like the <cipher key> immediately following the 
[Option -c].


Where do I find the latest utilities please, the utilities I use are from the 
latest Xiphos download?


Best regards,


Johan Marais


From: David Haslam <> 
Sent: Thursday, 29 March 2018 14:10
To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum <>
Subject: Re: [sword-devel] TEI2MOD - Output File Names




Option -c expects the <cipher_key> immediately after.

Because you followed it by the word "ts2009en" it assumed that was the 


Here's the syntax help for the latest binary in Windows.

Observe that the [OPTIONS] are at the end of the command line.


You are running utils64\tei2mod: $Rev: 3416 $

TEI Lexicon/Dictionary/Daily Devotional/Glossary module creation tool for

The SWORD Project


usage: utils64\tei2mod <output/path> <teiDoc> [OPTIONS]

  -z <l|z|b|x> use compression (default: none)

l - LZSS; z - ZIP; b - bzip2; x - xz

  -s <2|4> max text size per entry (default: 4)

  -c <cipher_key> encipher module using supplied key

(default: none)

  -N Do not convert UTF-8 or normalize UTF-8 to NFC

(default is to convert to UTF-8, if needed,

  and then normalize to NFC. Note: all UTF-8

  texts should be normalized to NFC.)


The options -z and -s are mutually exclusive.




NB. the utils64\ path is simply where I have a symbolic link to the downloaded 




Best regards,




Sent with ProtonMail <>  Secure Email.


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On 27 March 2018 8:51 AM, Johan < 
<> > wrote:


Please help.


I am using this command to create a SWORD dictionary module from TEI.

tei2mod ./modules/lexdict/zld/ts2009en/ TS2009enVer100.txt -z -c ts2009en


The output message is the following:

tei2mod normalized 1 verses to NFC

Suggested conf (replace ??? with appropriate values)










It produces the files correctly, but the file names are all “”, I 
expected them to be “”.


Are these (“”) the correct file names, is there a way to rather produce 


Thank you,


Johan Marais




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