

I built the module without -c and the output files are still “dict.xxx”.


I was under the impression that using <cipher key> would encrypt the module 
(protecting), but never understood why the <CiphetKey> is in a unprotected 
.conf file.






From: David Haslam <dfh...@protonmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, 29 March 2018 17:11
To: 'SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum' <sword-devel@crosswire.org>
Subject: Re: [sword-devel] TEI2MOD - Output File Names




Why do you want to encrypt your dictionary module?


Suggest first try building an unencrypted module without a <cipher_key>, 
without using the -c option.


In any case, using "ts2009en" as the key is too easily crackable! It's only 8 
characters long.

It wouldn't be of any value to protect intellectual property, if that's what 
you're concerned about.


Module encryption isn't really oriented to protecting content against 
unauthorised copying. 

It's only intended to provide a means for a user to unlock a module after 
obtaining the key from the supplier. 




Sent from ProtonMail Mobile



On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 15:19, Johan <johan.mar...@messianic.co.za 
<mailto:johan.mar...@messianic.co.za> > wrote:

Thank you David for once again assisting me. 


"ts2009en" is indeed the <cipher key>. 


When I ran "./modules/lexdict/zld/ts2009en TS2009enVer100.txt -z -cts2009en", 
it gives me the error message: 

You are running tei2mod: $Rev: 2138 $ 

tei2mod: Unknown argument: -cts2009en 


It seems as if it doesn’t like the <cipher key> immediately following the 
[Option -c]. 


Where do I find the latest utilities please, the utilities I use are from the 
latest Xiphos download? 


Best regards, 


Johan Marais 


From: David Haslam <dfh...@protonmail.com <mailto:dfh...@protonmail.com> > 
Sent: Thursday, 29 March 2018 14:10 
To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum <sword-devel@crosswire.org 
<mailto:sword-devel@crosswire.org> > 
Subject: Re: [sword-devel] TEI2MOD - Output File Names 




Option -c expects the <cipher_key> immediately after. 

Because you followed it by the word "ts2009en" it assumed that was the 


Here's the syntax help for the latest binary in Windows. 

Observe that the [OPTIONS] are at the end of the command line. 


You are running utils64tei2mod: $Rev: 3416 $ 

TEI Lexicon/Dictionary/Daily Devotional/Glossary module creation tool for 

The SWORD Project 


usage: utils64tei2mod <output/path> <teiDoc> [OPTIONS] 

  -z <l|z|b|x> use compression (default: none) 

l - LZSS; z - ZIP; b - bzip2; x - xz 

  -s <2|4> max text size per entry (default: 4) 

  -c <cipher_key> encipher module using supplied key 

(default: none) 

  -N Do not convert UTF-8 or normalize UTF-8 to NFC 

(default is to convert to UTF-8, if needed, 

  and then normalize to NFC. Note: all UTF-8 

  texts should be normalized to NFC.) 


The options -z and -s are mutually exclusive. 




NB. the utils64 path is simply where I have a symbolic link to the downloaded 




Best regards, 




Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com>  Secure Email. 


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 

On 27 March 2018 8:51 AM, Johan <johan.mar...@messianic.co.za 
<mailto:johan.mar...@messianic.co.za> > wrote: 


Please help. 


I am using this command to create a SWORD dictionary module from TEI. 

tei2mod ./modules/lexdict/zld/ts2009en/ TS2009enVer100.txt -z -c ts2009en 


The output message is the following: 

tei2mod normalized 1 verses to NFC 

Suggested conf (replace ??? with appropriate values) 










It produces the files correctly, but the file names are all "dict.xxx", I 
expected them to be "ts2009en.xxx". 


Are these ("dict.xxx") the correct file names, is there a way to rather produce 


Thank you, 


Johan Marais 




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