
Has anyone built Sword in the Windows Subsystem for Linux? Has anyone built the 
Windows utilities this way?

If so, please point me to a tutorial on how to set it up and use it.

I am getting desperate for a build of osis2mod for windows that correctly 
handles verse range linking in commentaries. The current version 3141 in Xiphos 
does not link all verses in a verse range to the commentary for that range.

I brought up this problem several months ago. I have been waiting patiently. I 
still do not see any updated utilities in the usual places.


John Dudeck
Programmer at Editions Cle                             Lyon, France                  
"I'm also back in touch with my first love--spiral notebooks. Unlike
 Google, they will never come close to containing the world's information,
 so no one but me will ever want to access them. And to encrypt my data,
 I just rely on my handwriting." -- Tienlon Ho

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