Yeah, that idea about including a reference value makes sense! I guess it would 
be necessary to do that in combination with a reference verse key ...
There are not too many locked modules, so the effort should be manageable?

Best regards,

Am 12. Januar 2020 19:53:15 MEZ schrieb Greg Hellings <>:
>On Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 10:32 AM Tobias Klein <>
>> Hi,
>> I'm adding Sword module unlock support to Ezra Project and I've been
>> wondering how you would validate a given unlock key?
>> Basically the dialog for entering the unlock key is shown when a
>> module is selected for installation. Before going through the effort
>> installing a module I would like to make sure that the given unlock
>> actually works with the selected module. Is there something in the
>> API that supports the validation of the unlock key entered by the
>The last time this came up, I believe the answer was that you just have
>try it and display it to the user and they have to decide if the
>are human readable.
>It would be possible to include a field in modules with a known-good
>then the API could test if that value matched what was expected when it
>decrypted. Unless that functionality already exists, I don't know of
>other way you could accomplish this.
>> Best regards,
>> Tobias
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