Hi Michael,

1. Is there any guidance as to when any app (Eloquent, Alkitab, Bibletime) that runs on Macos will be able to open NA28?

I've tested NA28 in Ezra Project and it seems to work! Ezra Project is available for macOS, Windows and Linux. Have a look at the last available release 0.12.2.


2. Is there any plan to expand the 'view witnesses' feature in Bishop to any desktop app?  Is it already available in some app?

I could plan this for a future Ezra Project release. Would you mind creating an issue <https://github.com/tobias-klein/ezra-project/issues/new> describing the requirements? In general there may be more original language features coming up in the future. I've also been using BibleWorks and I'd love to see some of its features in open source bible software!

Best regards,
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